By Ian Smith This is a ‘split-tape’ release from Shiny Happy Records. The Suncharms begin with ‘Monster Club’, which has a ‘60’s beat-pop feel. All is present and correct and the guitars jangle around Marcus’ playful vocal. The song is sandwiched by a squeaking door. A beginning and an end. ‘Cosmonaut’ is sparse, with gentle picked guitars. Think McCarthy or The Pastels. The track is interspersed with a buzzing guitar solo which breaks into all-out fuzz as the song develops. ‘Reflection’ is the final track from Sheffield’s finest, starting as a gentle acoustic melody which combines the C86 sound with something approaching a rock ballad. There is a feeling of melancholy and even some Zeppelin-esque touches to finish. With several tracks released of late, surely the long-awaited debut long-player will soon be upon us. The Mirrorlakes take over on side 2, with a sound firmly intrenched in shoegaze with a jangle-pop topping. ‘Three Song’ recalls late-80’s British Indie acts long-forgotten, a hazy mid-tempo toe-tapper. ‘Kosong’ is the standout, the band creating a plodding feel which at times made me think of Pavement. The release is completed by ‘Untitle’, guitars stand alone for this instrumental (but no lead-guitar wankery. No sir, not likely).
This is a rather charming little release. Out now on Shiny Happy Records:
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